Meet the dogs of SARDA Southern Scotland.

Our Active Dogs

  • Evie

    Grade: Advanced Mountain Grade

    Handler: Ross MacIntyre

    Evie is an 8 year old Labrador. Her parent Mountain Rescue team is Ochils Mountain Rescue.

    Evie qualified at 2 years old and she has deployed to many searches with her own team, and across Scotland to assist other mountain rescue teams and Police Scotland.

    Evie's reward for finding her missing person is a tennis ball and some hot dog sausages.

  • Poppy

    Grade: Advanced Mountain Grade

    Handler: Iain Brydon

    Bio: Poppy is 11 years old and is a Collie / Labrador cross. Her parent Mountain Rescue team is Tweed Valley Mountain Rescue and qualified in 2015 at the age of 2. Poppy has deployed with her handler Iain to multiple searches across Scotland as well as with her own MR Team in the Scottish Borders and the Pentland Hills near Edinburgh.

    Poppy loves to play and while her favourite toy away from SARDA is a tennis ball, her reward for finding a missing person is her Kong toy.

  • Alfie

    Grade: Mountain Grade

    Handler: Richard Eadington

    Alfie was originally my daughters, however, he had lots of energy and needed a suitable outlet. So we thought we'd give it a try. The majority of Alfie's training was during lockdown, which allowed a lot of time for practice, and probably kept us all sane! Alfie qualified for the callout list October 2021 and he averages around 20 call outs per year.

  • Tam

    Grade: DVSD / Water Search Dog

    Handler: Joanna Toohey

    Tam is a Fox Red Labrador who is 7 years old.

    Tam is a Water Search Dog – searching for people who have drowned or been submerged in water ways such as lochs, reservoirs & rivers. This can be achieved by searching from the bank/shore side or in a Rigid Inflatable Rib (RIB).

    Tam stared training in 2017, and qualified for bankside and shore line (Stage 1) searching in 2019 and completed his training in December 2021 after undertaking further assessment in an ‘Initial Water Search Dog’ in the RIB in line with NSARDA standards.

    Tam and his handler Joanna are members of Nith Inshore Rescue based in Glencaple and SARDA Southern Scotland and have been involved in call-outs where Tam has provided a positive indication of a person or persons in the water.

  • Tymbl

    Grade: Advanced Mountain Grade

    Handler: Caroline James

    Tymbl is a Black Labrador from Copperbirch Kennel in Ireland. Born in May 2015.

    Qualified with SARDA South Wales in Oct 2018 - has since twice regraded with SARDA Southern Scotland

    Why “Tymbl”?

    Well, my first Search dog was called Keeper, after Keepers pond on the Blorenge, near Abegavenny. The Tymbl is a 6km climb that climbs up the side of the Blorenge and ends at Keepers Pond, so the 2 dogs are consecutively joined both on the map and in my life.

    Unfortunately, I realised that probably wasn’t best name choice when he dramatically “tumbled” off a crag on his first assessment. “Velcro” may have been a better option.

    Of my two dogs, Tymbl is the thoughtful, deliberate one, a great problem solver, works the problem then nails the solution. A joy to work with whether in Gundog work, Agility or Search work.

    No words can describe accurately what Tymbl means to me. His Search Dog career is only part of it.

    It is with tremendous sadness that I found out in Jan 2025 Tymbl is in heart failure. Consequently, we are making the most of every minute of every day.

  • Skirrid

    Grade: Advanced Mountain Grade

    Handler: Caroline James

    Skirrid is a Yellow Labrador from Copperbirch kennels, Ireland. Born in Oct 2016.

    Qualified with SARDA South Wales in Oct 2018 with my late husband Simon. Regraded twice with myself in SARDA Southern Scotland, Skirrid is in the Black Mountains, within the area that our former Mountain rescue team, Longtown MRT, covered.

    Skirrid was expertly and diligently trained by Simon, his ability and potential was evident from his first training session. As soon as he was physically mature he was ready to be operational.

    Skirrid is just the happiest of dogs, a dog who makes you smile, he gives 100% effort in any discipline, prioritising action over deliberation, very fast, strong and athletic on mountain terrain. His indication, when he has found someone is definitely not subtle.

    Again, I can not sum up with words what Skirrid means to me, I am blessed to have 8 amazing paws alongside me.

  • Woody

    Grade: Grade 3 / Active

    Handler: Ross MacIntyre

    Woody is a 2 year old Labrador. His parent MRT is Ochils Mountain Rescue.

    Woody is following in the paw steps of his big sister Evie and recently graduated to become an active search dog on the call out list.

    Woody loves searching for people and his reward is a tennis ball in an old sock, it's his favourite toy!

  • Caoimhe

    Grade: Grade 3 / Active

    Handler: Susie Mowatt

    Caoimhe is a four year old border collie, she has recently passed her Grade 2 assessment.

    Caoimhe's reward toys are a yellow hoop and her giant green ball. She loves to play in the water and will leap from the bank into the river when ever she gets the chance.

    During her spare time Caoimhe enjoys agility and lives for running up the hills with Susie.

Our Trainee Dogs

  • Ragnar

    Grade: Trainee

    Handler: John Romanes

    Ragnar is now just over a year old and is 6 months into his training. He has passed his livestock test and grade 1 assessment.

  • Cairn

    Grade: Trainee

    Handler: Rob Hume

    Cairn is a 2 year old, tri colour Border Collie

    His parent team is the Borders Search and Rescue unit based in Kelso, Scottish Borders.

    He’s been a trainee for around 18 months now, his reward for finding a missing person is a game of tug with a rabbit tail toy and lots of play time.

    He joins me quite often on local trail runs and hiking trips.

    And is quite the snorer.

  • Kai

    Grade: Trainee

    Handler: Craig Paterson

    Kai is an exuberant young golden Labrador who started out with Guide Dogs Scotland, but soon found he was more suited to the outdoor lifestyle.

    His home hills belong to Galloway MRT where he is training, and currently at stage 1.

    Kai loves nothing better than searching for people or articles, with maybe a puddle or stream on route.

    A lovable dog with a massive heart and appetite to match.

  • Gigha

    Grade: Trainee

    Handler: Blair Wilkie

    Bio: Coming soon.

  • Rum

    Grade: Trainee

    Handler: Colin Ribbeck

    An 8 week young Rum was sprung upon his handler as a surprise gift by a group of friends, although it didn't feel that way at the time! They have seldom been separated since. 

    Mischievous, devious and an attention hungry nuisance, it was clear he required a job and SARDA Southern Scotland has provided the perfect outlet for his energies, where his reward for a 'find' is to destroy his latest squeaky toy.

    His parent team is Arran Mountain Rescue Team and outside of Search and Rescue his hobbies include rope swings, conversation and cats.

  • Breagha

    Grade: Trainee

    Handler: Ailish Eadington

    Breagha was bought at the beginning of lockdown and grew up alongside SARDA's infamous Michael the sheep. I was incredibly lucky to spend so much time with Breagha throughout lockdown and we spent lots of time swimming and learning new tricks together. 

    Initially starting her career scenting deer, Breagha had similiar skills required from a search dog, so we had a bit of fun messing about together at home. After attending a few SARDA trainings together, I decided to apply and we were accepted as trainees. 

    Breagha is known as 'ginger' at home as she is the only dog that isn't black and white! She is a typical Labrador and is completely food obsessed.

Our Retired Dogs

  • Rauour

    Grade: Retired

    Handler: John Romanes

    Rauour is now retired . He graded as a search dog in 2013 and has since been deployed 168 times, assisting parent Tweed Valley Mountain Rescue Team , and other MRT's throughout Scotland. Some deployments were solo searches for specific police incidents.

    In 2015 he was awarded a PDSA commendation for a critical find of a missing person in winter conditions.

    He retired last year, but still gets to put his search jacket on to find articles that I hide for him, as he doesn’t realise that he is retired.

  • Caileag

    Grade: Retired

    Handler: Kirstie Smith (Ex-handler)

  • Tattie

    The greatest dog, the best body and a very good boy.